Nagrajena fotka skupine The Tide.

Ko poslušam njihovo muziko, me vedno odpelje nekam stran. V svoje zasanjane misli. Ko jih slišim v živo, se mi zdi, da igrajo samo zase. In prav za vsakega poslušalca posebej. 
The Tide so mešanica med indijem, melanholičnim rockom, popom in alternativo. Vsak sliši drugačne vplive, a vsi so si enotni - to, kar delajo, je kakovostno. Njihov zvok je v besede morda še najbolje zajel Jure Longyka, zato na tem mestu ne bom izgubljala prostora in ga raje le citirala: "The Tide so v oddajo Izštekani povabljeni z razlogom. Njihova muzika je, kot da bi prihajala iz nekega drugega časa. In obenem povsem sodobna in sveža. Počasna, veličastna, včasih zadržana – a obenem polna silne energije in žarečega patosa. Je to rock? Swing? Jazz? Blues? Ali so popevke? Nič od tega. In hkrati vse. Če se vam bo ob poslušanju zazdelo, da so Doors z Jimom Morrisonom vred vstali od mrtvih, ne boste prav nič grešili."

Ko jih človek sliši prvič, ne bi niti pomislil, da prihajajo iz Kranja. Zvenijo tako zelo angleško. Fajn fantje, ki so tako zelo realno na tleh in ki pravijo, da muziko za svojo dušo, se pri ustvarjanju glasbe osredotočajo na harmoničnost aranžmajev, melodičnost ter pomen besedil. Na sceni so se pred petimi leti pojavili s prvencem Love & Trust, navdušili z Your River Wild, pa Desire, Carry On, vmes posneli Live & Clean v oddaji Izštekani, vmes pripravili muziko za oglase in filme (med drugim tudi Snow za kratki Knifičev film Lovec Oblakov), oktobra lani pa javnosti predstavili novo skladbo in tretji, sicer tudi nekoliko bolj udaren in album Kings of the Hill z naslovno pesmijo Decline

The Tide se gleda in posluša. Predvsem pa čuti. 

Fotografija, ki sem jo posnela na njihovem nastopu na festivalu Trnfest sredi avgusta pa je v nedeljo na Trnfoto natečaju dobila nagrado! Ponosno jo predstavljam! :)

When I listen to their music, I always fly away with my thoughts. It looks like they play for themselves. But mostly for each and every listener in audience. The Tide are a mixture of indie, melancholic rock, pop and alternative music. Their sound is perhaps best captured by Jure Longyka: "The Tide were invited to Izštekani (unplugged) radio show with reason. Their music is as if it came from another time. And while quite modern and fresh. Slow, majestic, sometimes restrained - but also full of powerful energy and glowing pathos. Is it rock? Swing? Jazz? Blues? None of that. And all at the same time. If you hear connection with Doors and like Jim Morrison would woke up from the dead, you will not miss the interpretation. "
When you hear them for the first time, you would never guess they are Slovenian band. Their music sounds so English. Nice guys who usually say that this is music for the soul. They try to create music focusing on harmony arrangements, melodious and meaning to the word. At the scene they appeared five years ago with their debut album Love & Trust and songs as Your River Wild, Desire and Carry On. Later on they have recorded Live & Clean, prepared some music for ads and movies (including Snow for the short movie Lovec Oblakov (Cloud Catcher). And last October they presented their new and even a bit more striking album Kings of the Hill with great song Decline.

The Tide is worth watching and listening. And most of all - trying to feel it. Photo above is one of the best winning photographies on the Trnfoto competition for the best photo, made on Trnfest summer festival. I made it on The Tide performance in mid-August. And I am proud to present it today to you!


1 komentar:

TinaMalina_ pravi ...

Vse čestitke, ker je res fantastična slika!!! Lp