Videti je, kot da je Slovenijo zajela nekakšna indie rock mrzlica. Po zasedbi White Lies in kasneje The Walkman koncertih v Kinu Šiška, pa The National v Križankah, je zdaj nastopila še ameriška skupina Interpol. Prvič mi jih je predstavila draga prijateljica, ki je njhova oboževalka že vrsto let. Zdaj so nastopili tudi na slovenskem odru. Kolega pa je na svojem facebukovskem zidu zapisal: "Orgazem ali interpol? INTERPOL!" V prvih vrstah je bilo vsekakor čutiti fenovski naboj. Ljudje so navdušeno plavali ob interpolovskem zvoku in na glas prepevali ne le Rest My Chemistry, Obstacle 1, The Heinrich Maneuver in Barricade temveč tudi Leif Erikson in vse tiste druge.
Interpoli menda ostajajo sinonim za indie. Bojim se, da je oznaka indie postala dejansko vse tisto, kar noče biti mainstreamovsko, kljub temu pa postaja prav to. In čeprav za marsikaterega obiskovalca morda enoličen in monoton koncert, za drugega pa koncert leta, eno ostaja zagotovo - ja, Interpol imajo super besedila.
It seems like Slovenian listeners became indie rock fans. After White Lies and The Walkman concerts at Kino Šiška, and recent The National concert at Križanke open air theatre, now performed on the same stage the American group Interpol. First introduced to me by my dear friend who is their fan for many years. My colleague just recently wrote on his Facebook Wall: "An orgasm or Interpol? INTERPOL!" And in the forefront was certainly felt real fan energy. People were dancing on their most known songs like Rest My Chemistry, Obstacle 1, The Heinrich Maneuver, Barricade and Leif Erikson.
Interpol became a synonymous for indie rock sound. but I am afraid that this indie label became everything that doesn't really want to become a mainstream, however, it looks like it is becoming exactly mainstream. Although many visitors could mark the concert as monotonous, the others would say it was a concert of the year. But something remains certainly - Interpol have definitely great lyrics.
Interpol became a synonymous for indie rock sound. but I am afraid that this indie label became everything that doesn't really want to become a mainstream, however, it looks like it is becoming exactly mainstream. Although many visitors could mark the concert as monotonous, the others would say it was a concert of the year. But something remains certainly - Interpol have definitely great lyrics.
+ plus objava na Interpolizirane Križanke / published photos by Mankica Kranjec and story by Jerneja Grmadnik on Interpolizirane Križanke
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